Early Discharge Treatment In Jaipur
This is the most widely prevalent sexual problem affecting about 21% of sexually active men throughout the world.
Ejaculation is the process of throwing out semen from urethral opening in spurts after reaching a certain level of sexual excitement. Excitement builds up gradually as a result of foreplay ,thus leading to a critical level where seminal discharge becomes inevitable.
Normal Ejaculation consists of 2 stages- Emission and Ejaculation .
Emission is secretion of seminal fluid with sperms in the prostatic urethra. This is associated with a feeling of inevitability of ejaculation. This is followed by Ejaculation which is characterised by expulsion of seminal fluid from urethra associated with contractions of pelvic and abdominal muscles. This is associated with excessively pleasurable feeling called Orgasm . Pleasure is felt due to release of a chemical called Dopamine in pleasure centres of brain.
Pre Mature Ejaculation is present when one consistently ejaculates before being desired by himself or partner, and causes distress to both or either, Urological Research tells that Intra Vaginal Ejaculatory Latency of less than 2 minutes is abnormal and causes poor satisfaction in most couples. In my view, time is not as important if both partners are happy with whatever they get. But is distress is present, it is significant
Psychological Conditioning – Believed to have learnt to ejaculate fast while having sex before marriage
Anxiety due to any reason, especially fear of not satisfying partner, fear of losing hardness, suffering from anxiety disorder.
Infection of urinary tract especially prostate.
Hypersensitivity of glans
Congenital Abnormalities
Learning Premature control of ejaculation under guidance of a qualified sexologist.
Surgery can be tried . A study published in an International Journal of Sexual Health showed 3 fold increase in the Intra Vaginal Latency Time after Frenulotomy.
Local Creams can be used
Premature ejaculation is same as impotancy.
Fact- Impotancy generally means reduced rigidity or hardness, not enough for penetration.
People secreting watery & sticky fluid on being touched by females suffer from pre mature ejaculation.
Fact- This is not seminal discharge but secretions of bulbourethral glands, meant for lubrication and clearing the urethral passage for sperms.
First identify the correct muscle by holding your urine for some time. The muscle that gets tight is the Pubo Coccygeal Muscle. This is the same muscle that controls ejaculation.
Once you know the muscle, pull your anus and urethra up tightly, release again pull as tight as you can. Repeat for 10-15 times.
Next- When you pull the muscle up, hold it in tight position for 5 seconds and then release. Now follow this routine 15 times for at least 3-4 times a day.
Initially this should be started in lying down position and should be changed gradually to sitting or standing position after some time.
This takes at least 4-6 months of regular muscle training to feel the result. When the male has the urge to ejaculate, he should give a signal to his partner to stop thrusting so the ejaculation is postponed. This is not learnt over night, it needs time so don’t be disappointed if initially you can’t control and ejaculate.
Stop Start technique is still quite effective if practiced properly. Pre Mature Ejaculation has excellent results if treated by a qualified sexologist.
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