
Showing posts from February, 2018

No Orgasm in women in Hindi

                                      No Orgasm in women in Hindi आज के युग में इंटर्नेट और विमिन लिबरेशन की इतनी चर्चा के बावजूद भी विमेन सेक्शूऐलिटी की जानकारी अत्यंत नगण्य हे। अधिकांश महिलायें सेक्स को संतानोत्पत्ति का ज़रिया या पुरुष की शारीरिक ज़रूरत मानती हे । हाल के वर्षों में ज़रूर धीरे धीरे कुछ महिलाओं में जागृति आ रही हे और सेक्स को एक आवश्यकता माना जाने लगा हे। फिर भी पिछले वर्षों में बीस हज़ार से अधिक पुरुषों के मुक़ाबले मेरे पास तीन या चार ऐसे मामले आए जहाँ महिला को पूर्ण संतुष्टि ना हो रही हो । ऐसे मामले डॉक्टर के पास नहीं आते क्योंकि शायद भारतीय महिलाएँ ऐसा करके अपने पति को कष्ट नहीं देना चाहती । हाँ, अनेक युवा बताते हे कि यदि गर्ल फ़्रेंड संतुष्ट न हो तो वो डम्प करते देर नहीं लगाती। महिलाओं के ऑर्गैज़म के बारे में ढेरों भ्रांतियाँ हे। हाल में मेरे पास एक सज्जन आए जिनकी प्रॉब्लम थी कि उनकी वाइफ़ अच्छे से डिस्चार्ज नहीं होतीं इसलिए उसे संतुष्टि नहीं हो रही । उनके ख़्या...

Sexual Problems in Women and treatment in Hindi

                                 Sexual Problems in Women and treatment in Hindi लगभग सभी आयु की महिलाओं को सेक्स समस्या हो सकती हे । इनमे सबसे ज़्यादा मामले सेक्स इच्छा की कमी तथा कामोत्तेजना न होने से योनि में उपयुक्त गीला न होनेके होते हे। चरमोत्कर्ष यानी क्लाइमैक्सन हो पाना तो अत्यंत कॉमन हे । बड़ी संख्या में महिलाओं में आयु बढ़ने के साथ सेक्स समस्या होने की सम्भावना बढ़ती जाती हे और रजोनिवृत्ति के बाद सबसे अधिक होती हे। इनके अतिरिक्त गर्भ धारण तथा प्रसव भी सेक्स लाइफ़ पर प्रभाव डालते हे। सेक्स समस्या के मुख्य कारण हे – – डिप्रेशन या अवसाद – सबसे ज़्यादा बार यही मुख्य कारण होता हे। इस से कामेच्छा और कामोत्तेजना दोनो पर विपरीत प्रभाव होता हे। डिप्रेशन के कारण जीवन से हर प्रकार की ख़ुशी का अहसास समाप्त हुआ सा जान पड़ता हे – काम के बोझ से थकावट – हॉर्मोन प्रोलैक्टिन की अधिकता या टेस्टास्टरोन की कमी – संबंधो में तनाव – पार्ट्नर के शरीर की दुर्गन्ध जैसे प्राइवट पार्ट या शरीर के किसी हिस्से क...

Effect of Stress on Sex Life

 Effect of Stress on Sex Life Stress is the state of worrying continuously about something real or imaginary future problems . Everyone has to worry about things he/ she needs to do . In fact it help us to perform better but excessive worry disturbs the internal homeostatic environment of the body. If it continues for a considerable period of time ( a few days for some or a few months for others), the changes produced by stress hormones like cortisol become permanent . Now even if the stress factor is resolved, body continues to be in a compromised state and experience after effects of stress . Get  Sex Consultation Online It could be due to a negative life event like real or fearfulness of loss of job, legal problems, marital discord or death of someone close to you. If you are suffering from Anxiety Disorder, OCD, Depression or abuse alcohol or Tobacco, have poor friend circle – the effect is more profound and long lasting Effect on body – Continuous flow of ...

Hygiene Tips for Healthy Sex Life

                                          Hygiene Tips for Healthy Sex Life Everyone is taught from childhood to bathe daily , change clothes and brush teeth daily for keeping a good health. Keeping hygiene prevents infection, removes bad smell and make you look presentable in society . This is very important socially because no one will like to remain close to a person giving bad smell . Similarly there are a few things you can do to keep a good hygiene for a better sex life 1- Clean your genitals regularly – While taking bath, Males should pull back the skin on penis gently and wash with plain warm water to remove smegma . No need for routine use of antiseptics . Similarly females should gently wash the outer genitals with soap and water and pat dry them with soft towel . Don’t rub it vigorously to clean otherwise the soft skin in this area may be damaged. Book Online S...

Viagra – Impotence treatment medicine in Hindi

                               Viagra – Impotence treatment medicine in Hindi वर्ष 1998 की शुरुआत दवा की बड़ी कम्पनी फ़ाइज़र के लिए भी एक और नए साल की तरह थी। इसकी रीसर्च लैब में वेज्ञानिक ऐसी दवा पर काम कर रहे थे जिस से रक्तचाप कम हो सके । दवा के प्रभाव से रक्त की धमनियाँ फैल जाती थी और रक्त चाप कम हो रहा था । संयोग से ये सामने आया कि इस से पीनस भी कड़क हो जाता हे। जब इसे नामपुंसकता के रोगी को दिया गया तो चमत्कार हो गया। पहली बार दवा खाने से नपुंसकता के रोगी को फ़ायदा हुआ। इससे पहले ऐसे रोगीयो के लिए पीनस में इंजेक्शन लेने का ही विकल्प था जिससे कई बार परेशानी हो जाती थी । 27 मार्च को एफ़॰डी॰ए॰ ने भी इस नई दवा वीयग्रा को नपुंसकता के इलाज के लिए मंज़ूरी दे दी । अब तो दुनिया के हर सेक्स रोगी के लिए वीयग्रा एक रामबाण की तरह प्रयोग होने लगी और अब भी इसकी लोकप्रियता में कोई कमी नहीं हुई हे। Get Online Sex Consultation with best Sexologist in India इसे कैसे प्रयोग करना चाहिए- अधिकतर मामलों में सेक्स क...

Masturbation Right Or Wrong In Hindi

                                 Masturbation Right Or Wrong In Hindi जब मैं आठवीं कक्षा में पढ़ता था तो मेरे मित्र ने मुझे हस्त मैथुन करना सिखाते हुए बताया था कि इसे कभी कभी ही करना चाहिए क्योंकि ज़्यादा करने से कमज़ोरी आ जाती हे । मैंने इसे गम्भीरता से नहीं लिया और मुझे इस का कोई पछतावा नहीं हे । इतने वर्षों बाद आज जब मेरे पास अनेकों मरीज़ पूरे विश्वास से बताते हे कि उनकी सभी समस्याएँ हस्त मैथुन जैसी ग़लत आदत के कारण हुई हे तो मुझे लगता हे कि हमारी सारी पड़ाई और वेज्ञानिक सोच व्यर्थ हो गयी। सेक्स समस्या , मानसिक समस्या और शारीरिक समस्या आदि आदि सभी का कारण हस्त मैथुन और नींद में वीर्य डिस्चार्ज को माना जाता हे । गोयाकि इस मामूली से शरीर के स्राव वीर्य को एक सम्पूर्ण शक्ति स्रोत बना दिया गया हे जिसके निकलने से बर्बादी हो जाती हे। मैंने अनेक विज्ञापन भी देखे जिनका शीर्षक होता हे ” बचपन की ग़लतियाँ ” यानि हस्त मैथुन को बचपन की ग़लतियाँ बता कर अनेक लोग सेक्स के बारे में गम्भीर भ्रांति फैला ...

Sex during Pregnancy: Facts and myths

                                       Sex during Pregnancy: Facts and myths Pregnancy is a very important milestone in a woman’s life . With an increasing age of getting married , the anxiety to conceive has increased many fold in recently married couples. In fact, getting pregnant is a much higher priority than normal sexual pleasure in a large number of couples . There are a number of issues to be discussed in this regard- Sex problems – If you are not able to visit our clinic, feeling shy or uncomfortable to meet us or need a second opinion in person, consult us online through phone, chat, email or Skype.                                                             ONLINE SEX CONSULTATION Can sexual activity cause harm...

Reduced Sex Desire In Woman

                                        Reduced Sex Desire In Woman Mr and Mrs X came to me with C/O reduced sex desire in woman. She was 36 years old, married for 12 years , Post graduate and was running her own business  at home. The husband was 38 years, professional, working in a company requiring frequent travel , occasional alcohol abuser  & a smoker. Morning erections were occasional. Initial time , for around 3 years were good , had sex every night. They had a 9 years old son . The husband could recollect that it all began after the birth of son. But since then, Mrs. X would avoid intimacy, would sleep early or would tell that she had headache. Post delivery, there was no sex for 1 year . when they attempted sex, there was poor erection so it was not satisfactory. He tried to have sex with another woman where it was good. Next time, Mrs X felt a lot of p...

No Sex After Marriage Due To Penis Phobia

                              No Sex After Marriage Due To Penis Phobia A couple of ages Male-35/Female 33 came to me for inability to have penetrative sex despite best efforts during 2 years of  marriage. Both wereIT professionals , settled in Europe. They had arranged marriage . They had tried treatment in Europe from a reputed institute but was not successful . Both had medium severity depression. The girl had talked to her married friend about sex life. She wastold that initial sex was extremely painful for her. Close questioning revealed that the boy felt a resistance when he tried to enter and the girl expressed significant pain . He became nervous so lost the hardnesss. The same pattern was repeated again and again . Despaired, they stopped to try but when family members started to enquire about pregnancy, the fact was revealed . We treated the couple by sex education, importance of fore...

Comparing With Premarital Sex Is a Poison for Sex Desire

                 Comparing With Premarital Sex Is a Poison for Sex Desire A 32 year handsome professional man came with complains of reduced desire for sex and ED for 1 year. His was an  arranged marriage with a good looking educated girl. He had a premarital affair with a girl for 3 years. They had sex 3 times a week . He was very happy with the sex life before marriage as the girl was ” fully cooperative, experimental , had sex in different ways but his wife was very shy. She insisted to switch off lights before sex which made him very uncomfortable. Last 1 year  was full of  frustration and arguments . Sex was once in 15-20 days . Now they wanted to plan a baby so he came to me . The problem was that he had poor communication with wife and was comparing his girl friend with her. Sex is not the romance and explosive as in movies. It is very different with girl friend because you have to wait for the opportunity, it is ...

Ageing and Sexual Health(Sexual Health)

                                    Ageing and Sexual Health Lots of men come to me with a coyish look  and  ask ” Though I am 45 now but still I thought there must be some years left to enjoy my sex life” !! Too many misconceptions exist regarding the age till one should have sex . These beliefs get reinforced by the commonly found reduction in sex desire with the passage of time in a couple. Does it mean that men tend to have lesser desire as they age? The answer is “NO” . It is only the instant desire for your partner that goes down with time , the one present when you were in 20’s . It is probably due to habituation , a phenomena of reduced response of pleasure and arousal with the same stimulus over a period of time. People get more arousal with newer stimuli so chances of extra marital relationships increase . Surely the desire doesn’t go down as such . What actually ...

Erectile Dysfunction – a Warning Signal for Cardiac Problem

                  Erectile Dysfunction – a Warning Signal for Cardiac Problem It is a well known fact that ED is caused in 70% of cases by vascular insufficiency  orreduced blood supply. •    The arterial System in body supplies oxygenated  blood  to all organs for their normal functioning. •    There are arteries of different internal diameters in body : Cavernosal and Halacine arteries to penis with diameter     2.5-3 mm Cardiac arteries to the heart with internal diameter              4-5 mm Carotid arteries to brain having internal diameter                 6 mm Femoral Artery to the lower limb having internal diameter  8-9 mm •    Reduction in blood supply causes gangrene in lower limbs, brain stroke in brain,  ischemic disorder in heart and ED in Penis. •  ...