
Showing posts from November, 2017

Top Sexology Team in Jaipur | Vivan Hospital

Dr. Saatiish Jhuntrraa Certified sexologist from the American Board of Sexology is treating patients all for more than 24 years now. Trained and experienced to counsel and treat patients experiencing any form of sexual illness. Medical graduate from the Government Medical College, Rohtak (Haryana)), Saatiish received his post graduate training in Psychiatry from Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi. Having completed post-graduation, he founded the Vivan- the hospital for sexual health. He has also attended several national and international conferences on sexual health and presented research papers on various aspects of human sexuality. As a sexologist in Jaipur, Dr. Saatiish is currently performing as the Director of Vivan Hospital and has his clients spread across the globe. The doctor is well versed with all aspects of human sexuality; thus can provide medical and psychological assistance to his patients. He focuses on comprehensive management of sex problems with...

Why do guys feel weak after sex in hindi, सेक्स के बाद पुरुषों को थकान क्यों होती है?

Why do guys feel weak after sex in Hindi, सेक्स के बाद पुरुषों को थकान क्यों होती है ? सेक्स से आनंद प्राप्ति होती है - ये बात सभी जानते है । साथ में थकान महसूस होना और नींद आना भी अत्यंत कॉमन है। इसके अनेक कारण होते है - मुख्य रूप से फ़ोरप्ले के समय पहले ही उत्तेजित होने से दिल की धड़कन अधिक होती है और योनि प्रवेश के बाद के 2-5 मिनट का समय सरपट भागने जैसा होता है। यदि आप अभ्यसत न होने पर कभी तेज़ी से भागे तो आपको थकान होगी ही। सेक्स भी एक 100-200 मीटर की दौड़ की तरह है , इसलिए थकान होना एक सामान्य बात है। सेक्स के समय अनेक हॉर्मोन भी बनते है जिस से रिलैक्स महसूस होता है । थका हुआ शरीर यदि रिलैक्स होगा तो नींद आना एक सामान्य बात है। कुछ लोग सेक्स को नींद की दवा के रूप में इस्तेमाल करते है - ये ग़लत है क्योंकि ऐसे आप सेक्स का आनंद प्राप्त करने की बजाए एक कार्य करने लगते हो। कई पुरुष सेक्स से पहले ही ये सोच...

See Vivan Hospital Videos to Get Best Sexual Healthcare Information

See Vivan Hospital Videos to Get Best Sexual Healthcare Information, know more about EARLY DISCHARGE, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, INJURY TO SEX ORGANS & Homosexuality treatment. Watch Videos

Find Best Psychiatrist in Jaipur - Vivan Hospital

Sexual Dysfunctions have a cause and effect relationship with psychiatric diseases; most psychiatric problems can result in sexual dysfunctions and vice versa. There are even cases when the medicines that are used to treat psychiatric problems only deteriorate the sex problems rather than doing any benefit. (There are a few “safe medicines of course”) DEPRESSION – One of worst cases that affect people of nearly all age groups and is a result of Psychiatric Disease is Depression. Just as difficult as it sounds, depression declines the quality of the life one is leading, while increasing the chances of suicide. There are chances that a patient might get repeated episodes of depression (Unipolar Depression) or may be associated with a Hypomanic or Maniac Episode (Bipolar Disorder), or in most cases the symptoms for both the conditions may coexist (Mixed Episode). Any person who is suffering from the maniac episode may show symptoms of sexual aggressiveness, demanding or in...