
Showing posts from October, 2017

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Jaipur - Vivan Hospital

  I feel sexually and physically weak because I have lost excess semen by masturbation. This is one complaint many males have all over the world & seek consultation with a physician to improve sexual strength. It is as common as common cold. People feel weakness after masturbation due to many myths. The possible reasons are as follows- Semen is thought to be a must for the vigour and vitality of body. It is sermonized that loss of excess semen results in sheen less face and such people can be recognized from a distance. They need to take measures to increase sex power. Fact – Semen is a normal body fluid like tears, saliva etc. Similar to these two, it has a job to do (to propagate the human race). It has nothing to do with vigour or vitality. Sheen on face comes from inner happiness and satisfaction, not by preserving semen. Loss of excess semen causes inability to father a child. Fact – You need a minimum of 20 million active sperms per ml. of semen to f...

Blue Veins over the Penis - Vivan Hospital

Some adolescents are very much concerned about the presence of prominent veins over penis. Some quacks claim that when someone indulges in masturbation in a bad company, it causes the loss of a very vital component of body resulting in loss of manhood. Such a person has sexual weakness. The proof is presence of Blue Veins on Penis. This is a very unscientific and absurd theory. Every organ in the body has deeply located arterial system. These are thick walled and supply oxygen and other nutrients to the cells. The non oxygenated blood is collected by a group of thin walled Vessels called Veins. Some of the veins are present in deep tissues & not visible, while others collect blood from superficial tissues. They are visible. Example – You see a lot of veins on the back of hand and in front of elbows. Doctors give intravenous medicines through these veins as well as draw blood for testing. Blue Veins over the Penis

Medication for Sexual Consultant - OPD Services

For giving consultation to patients having sexual dysfunctions, we have a separate OPD wing, housing multiple OPD chambers for doctors with adequate privacy. All the records of the patients are kept in electronic form. We aim to provide optimal sexual healthcare services to the maximum number of people in India and abroad.

शादी के बाद सेक्स न हो पाना, Best Sexual Treatment Hospital in Jaipur Hindi

ये हाल के वर्षों में ही सामने आयी सेक्स समस्या हे । शादी के बाद सेक्स – जिसे एक बेहद सामान्य बात समझा जाता हे , उसी में इतनी तेज़ी से बढ़ती हुई मुश्किलें एक चिंताजनक हक़ीक़त की और इशारा करती हे। समाज में कुछ तो हे जो तेज़ी से बदल रहा हे !! मेरे पास अनेकों अनेक युवा केवल ये चेक करने के लिए आते हे कि शादी के बाद अपनी पत्नी को वो संतुष्ट कर पाएँगे या नहीं । युवा लड़कों में असुरक्षा की भावना आ रही हे कि यदि सेक्स में संतुष्ट नहीं किया तो बदनामी तो होगी ही , दोबारा विवाह भी आसान न होगा । कन्या भ्रूण हत्या की कुछ क़ीमत तो चुकानी ही होगी आख़िर समाज को । लड़कों का विवाह अब आसान नहीं रह गया हे इसलिए टेन्शन होना समझा जा सकता हे । फिर इंटर्नेट की आसान उपलब्धि से पोर्न विडीओज़ आसानी से उपलब्ध हे जिनसे अव्यवहारिक उम्मीद हो जाती हे जिसे असल ज़िंदगी में पूरा नहीं किया जा सकता । मेरे पास अनेक युवा पोर्न फ़िल्म जैसी सेक्स ला...